Sunday, August 19, 2007

Uncle Mike's brood

Here are a few pictures from Thanksgiving 2006 ...

Aunt Sandy, Aunt Susan, and Bryan

Derek, Kristi, Matthew, Kristi, and Alexis
... AKA The Usual Suspects

(LtoR) Matthew, Derek, Joe (Kristi's husband)
& Kristi with Pheobe, Randi (Bryan's wife)
with Lauren, Bryan with Kylie, and Alexis holding Colin.

Uncle "I used to have hair" Rich, and Matthew

Other Misc.

Back of Couch :My Dad (Richard Shrank), Great Aunt Francis, Uncle Gordon

On Couch: Red Harris, Granny (Maidie Barkwill), Pawpop(Earl Barkwill

On Floor: Uncle Mike, Raelene (Great Aunt Francis Daughter), Uncle Rich, Unknown Person.


Unknown said...

Uncle Mike thanks for posting! These pictures are great. Great to see the family. I'm so happy you had a picture of Uncle Rich. I reformatted, I hope you don't mind! I love you, really I do!

You guys look great! Yeah! We're on a roll!

KristonG said...

WOW it seems like it has been so long since I have anyone on that side of the family. To update my situation I am no married. My husband and I will be expecting our first child a baby boy January 20, 2008. We are so excited

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Kriston. Please post a blog of your own by Signing In and then clicking on New Post. Fill us in what how you met your husband, your marriage, etc. Can't wait to hear more!

KristonG said...

will do I cant wait to fill you in

Unknown said...

I can't wait to read it!

Unknown said...

Wow, great to find this. I am the grown daughter of great aunt Francis in the photo. Well before I was born but a great photo. Maidie and Earl were my grandparents. I remember Alys Mae a little from my childhood outside Porterville California.
Earleen Evans-Owens