A young girl tells the story of Jesus' birth and her vision of the world in a touching, heartwarming rendition of this tale as old as time. When I did the production video for the Twist & Shout Christmas Concert last week, this was the conclusion to the show. The story was so astounding that I had to recreate it for all my friends. Enjoy, and Merry Christmas."
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Thursday, March 22, 2012
It's been a long time!
Wow, it's been a long time since we updated this blog. Alvin and I are crazy busy with so many things, including fundraising for his kidney transplant. He still works at O&A here in Utah, and I am busy with my radio show, writing for www.USDAILYREVIEW.com and keeping up with family and friends.
Heather works at WalMart and then teaches voice, dance and piano throughout the week through her Twist & Shout Performance Group. Her five kids are doing well. Connor is now 6'7" and is being courted by football coaches across the valley. Stormy is in show choir and is quite the entertainer. Brigham is a video game mastermind and can take just about anybody down in just about any game. Skye and Elias are cruising along. Skye likes to tell us she's the smartest in her class, and Elias is just itching to get into school. Aaron, Heather's husband, continues to be the best pool contractor in Utah, not to mention, hands down, the best Santa Claus.
Crystal, Cash and Jay are all busy in their respective states, working hard and doing their best to survive this economy, as are we all.
I hope all is well with everyone! Have a great night.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Wake Up America
I will be interviewed about the direction America is heading in tomorrow on the Devin Norris Radio Show, join us at 8:00 a.m. MST or call in at (646) 378-1596. You can simply listen in by clicking on the link below. I'd love to have all of you calling in or listening tomorrow.
FYI: Devin Norris has already announced his intention to run for president in 2012 (http://devinnorris.com). He is a staunch conservative so I'm really looking forward to the conversation tomorrow!
Wake Up America
From Devin's radio show page:
Special Guest on this broadcast with best selling Author Candace E. Salima who is author of the book titled: Forged In the Refiners Fire. She will be here with us on Tuesday, June 23rd at 8:00 a.m. MST. We are going to talk about first where this nation is headed. Candace's point of view is very unique. Trust me, She will Wake America Up!
http://candacesalima.blogspot.com, http://candacesalima.com, http://teapartyutah.blogspot.com
Catch you all in the a.m.
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FYI: Devin Norris has already announced his intention to run for president in 2012 (http://devinnorris.com). He is a staunch conservative so I'm really looking forward to the conversation tomorrow!
Wake Up America
From Devin's radio show page:
Special Guest on this broadcast with best selling Author Candace E. Salima who is author of the book titled: Forged In the Refiners Fire. She will be here with us on Tuesday, June 23rd at 8:00 a.m. MST. We are going to talk about first where this nation is headed. Candace's point of view is very unique. Trust me, She will Wake America Up!
http://candacesalima.blogspot.com, http://candacesalima.com, http://teapartyutah.blogspot.com
Catch you all in the a.m.
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Friday, June 12, 2009
The Texas Clan
Well I had a very hard time trying to figure out the picture thing. So below are some family pics sorry I didn't have any family pics of the Wolffs so I just post one by one. I hope you enjoy the family update and I plan on posting my own blog soon. Oh and I am so sad that I don't have any of Dad and Tara but I will soon and post them up.
Oh I finally figured it out, Hello Family!!! I just thought I would give everyone an update on life in the best state in the Union. We are doing wonderful and have been blessed beyond measure.
This is the Ross family Ramona, Lance, Emma & Nathan.
Mona is Married to Lance Ross and together they have Emma Claire and Nathan Brooks. Emma just graduated from Kindergarten last week.
Nathan had to have surgery on his eye. He was born with a complication to his eyelid that had to be corrected when he reached three. Since the surgery he can open his eye wider and doesn't have to look down to walk AND more and more everyday he look like Greenpapa (Cash G. Case).
Mona and Lance will be renewing their wedding vows come November and they are so excited to share their love with everyone.
This is a the Graham Family (Kriston, Scotty & Hendrik)
THATS ME!! Here me dos! Well I was married June 17, 2007. I am coming up in my two year anniversary. I have a beautiful boy named Hendrik Marvin Dale Graham IV. He was born on January 15,2008 weighing 10lbs even. We induced two week early because the doctor said he would weigh 8 lbs. and that's a big baby (right)? Well we were very surprised when he came out as big as he did. If I had carried him to term he would of weighed 12lbs.
My husband and I live in a small town just south of Dallas. We bought a house and I am loving being a stay at home mom. I have a year and half left before I get my Bachelors in teaching K-6. Originally though, I was going to school for photography. I still love it though and it is my hobby but not practical career. My husband is Scotty, he is wonderful and he works hard for his family and supporting me and my huge dreams!
This is Hendrik.Mona is Married to Lance Ross and together they have Emma Claire and Nathan Brooks. Emma just graduated from Kindergarten last week.
Nathan had to have surgery on his eye. He was born with a complication to his eyelid that had to be corrected when he reached three. Since the surgery he can open his eye wider and doesn't have to look down to walk AND more and more everyday he look like Greenpapa (Cash G. Case).
Mona and Lance will be renewing their wedding vows come November and they are so excited to share their love with everyone.
This is a the Graham Family (Kriston, Scotty & Hendrik)
THATS ME!! Here me dos! Well I was married June 17, 2007. I am coming up in my two year anniversary. I have a beautiful boy named Hendrik Marvin Dale Graham IV. He was born on January 15,2008 weighing 10lbs even. We induced two week early because the doctor said he would weigh 8 lbs. and that's a big baby (right)? Well we were very surprised when he came out as big as he did. If I had carried him to term he would of weighed 12lbs.
My husband and I live in a small town just south of Dallas. We bought a house and I am loving being a stay at home mom. I have a year and half left before I get my Bachelors in teaching K-6. Originally though, I was going to school for photography. I still love it though and it is my hobby but not practical career. My husband is Scotty, he is wonderful and he works hard for his family and supporting me and my huge dreams!
Rebecca Royce-Wolff
Becca is doing wonderful. Becca is married to Micheal Wolff and they have Zoe who is 4 about to be 5, Carson who is 3 and twins Wyatt and Ruth who are 16months. Becca and Micheal decided that their family was complete and no more chitlins. But the same day they booked Micheal's vasectomy was the same day they conceived their second set of twins! Becca and Micheal will find out the sex of the babies hopefully this next week. We are hoping for another boy girl combo.
Becca and Micheal also bought a house this past year about 10 miles from me and our kids play together almost everyday. Micheal and Becca dated all through high school but parted ways shortly after. A couple years down the road they met back up and fell in love all over again. Now they will be the proud parents of 6 kids, (us Case women populate the plains).
Picture 1: This is Zoe Becca's oldest and she is exactly like her mother in every way! (A little scary.)
Picture 2: This is Ruthie (Wyatt's twin). Ruthie looks identical to her big brother, Carson.
Picture 3: This is Wyatt he is as manly as they come. Funny how much Zoe and Wyatt look alike.
Picture 4: This is Micheal (Becca's husband) with Zoe (Becca's oldest.)
Picture 5: This is Becca.
Picture 6: This is Carson (Micheal's oldest). He is so precious and full of all kinds of trouble.
Cashie is doing wonderful. He has a powerful testimony and it brings me to tears every time I hear it.
Cashie just graduated from a 9-month rehab program. He decided that the Lord helped him when he needed it and now the Lord needs him to help others that suffer from addiction.
Cashie got engaged to the love of his life and soon we will have another Case sister. Her name is Jenna and she is working hard on planing the wedding. SO far the date is set September 26, 2009.
Cash is going to Seminary school in Dallas called Christ for the Nations, he cant wait to start and we all know he will excel!
Cash and Jenna on the day they got engaged,they are so happy.
This is a picture of us kids with my dad and his "starter wife" aka our mom. Left to right Ramona, Kriston, Ruth, Becca, Dad, background is Cashie.
Cashie just graduated from a 9-month rehab program. He decided that the Lord helped him when he needed it and now the Lord needs him to help others that suffer from addiction.
Cashie got engaged to the love of his life and soon we will have another Case sister. Her name is Jenna and she is working hard on planing the wedding. SO far the date is set September 26, 2009.
Cash is going to Seminary school in Dallas called Christ for the Nations, he cant wait to start and we all know he will excel!
Cash and Jenna on the day they got engaged,they are so happy.
This is a picture of us kids with my dad and his "starter wife" aka our mom. Left to right Ramona, Kriston, Ruth, Becca, Dad, background is Cashie.
The Parents a.k.a Cash & Tara Case
Dad has recovered well form is self -nflicted gun shot wound to the leg. Good news all around. Now we can laugh at the story but at the time he was shot it was incredibly scary.
Dad was taken to the same hospital that John F. Kennedy was take too (in case you didn't know that guy did NOT recover from his gun shot wound) I was a week away from the birth of my son. I was big, fat and pregnant ,not to mention emotional. I got lost in the hospital and ended up walking by JFK's pictures on the wall and I just freaked out. It just was not a good idea to have a picture of a dead guy on the wall well a picture of the "guy dead" on the wall. But as soon as I saw my Dad I knew he would be fine. Poor Tara looked worse than my dad.
My dad healed in record time and walked long before he should h ave. If you ever come to Texas drop by and my Dad will show you his x-rays from the wound, he keeps them in his car. Anyway, Dad and Tara just moved to a new house, they have a lot more room. They also have an ever expanding family of grandkids.
Dad was taken to the same hospital that John F. Kennedy was take too (in case you didn't know that guy did NOT recover from his gun shot wound) I was a week away from the birth of my son. I was big, fat and pregnant ,not to mention emotional. I got lost in the hospital and ended up walking by JFK's pictures on the wall and I just freaked out. It just was not a good idea to have a picture of a dead guy on the wall well a picture of the "guy dead" on the wall. But as soon as I saw my Dad I knew he would be fine. Poor Tara looked worse than my dad.
My dad healed in record time and walked long before he should h ave. If you ever come to Texas drop by and my Dad will show you his x-rays from the wound, he keeps them in his car. Anyway, Dad and Tara just moved to a new house, they have a lot more room. They also have an ever expanding family of grandkids.
Well that is all I can think of for now, I am trying to post pictures of each family by their paragraph but it is not working. The picutures keep showing up at the top of the page!?!?! Go figure!?!?
Kriston I went through and took care of the picture problem for you. -- Aunt Candace
Kriston I went through and took care of the picture problem for you. -- Aunt Candace
Saturday, January 3, 2009
We've moved from MSN to Google
Welcome to the new home of The Case Cousins. We began the email group several years ago as a way to keep up with family members across the globe. MSN is shutting down their Groups feature so we've migrated over to Google . . . and to be honest, I'm really like it!
Things have slacked off with the family, as of late, and I fear that is my fault. I've let life get in the way of keeping connected with family. I'll try to better.
This is where we can share family news, news of reunions, pictures, just all the good things that come from family!
Stay tuned for new and fun things . . . and yes, that means you have to help me come up with fun and new things!
I'm Candace Salima, the daughter of Leighton Freeman Case and Muriel Harris. Mom and Dad divorced when I was a teenager and things changed pretty drastically at that point. Through the course of the years our family lost touch with one another until Uncle Gordon (son of Alys Mae Barkwill and Levi Freeman Case) sent an email to all of us telling us of the death of Alys Mae, my grandmother. I emailed Uncle Gordon back and asked who all the people were in the "To:" box of the email. That's when I learned you were all my relatives.
We all began communicating, catching up with one another, emailing pictures and it was a wonderfully enlightening time. We've had several family reunions since that time and have come to know and love each other so much better. With the economy the way it is, I don't know when we'll all be able to get together again, but it is my hope we can have a reunion this year, 2009. Uncle Mike (son of Alys Mae Barkwill and Richard Shrank) kind of got shafted out of his reunion in Maryland, so I think we should shoot for that. We'll see how it all comes together. This is where you need to come back to in order get the latest info . . . or the family blog.
Uncle Gordon came up with a wonderful slogan for our family and we've stuck with it every since: F.G.A.B. -- Family Good, Alone Bad. Hence our group logo. And yes, Cash, I know it needs work and I'm open to revised versions of said logo.
Here are some pertinent URLs to keep you learning more and more about the Case/Shrank family. If you have a family or business website we don't know about, please email me with the URL and I'll get it added to the group page right away!
So welcome, welcome, welcome! Let's pull together and be the stupendously supportive and fun family I know us to be!
May only the best and brightest of things happen to you and yours in 2009.
So come on over to the F.G.A.B. Google Discussion Group and let's get things ramped up again.
Candace Salima
Things have slacked off with the family, as of late, and I fear that is my fault. I've let life get in the way of keeping connected with family. I'll try to better.
This is where we can share family news, news of reunions, pictures, just all the good things that come from family!
Stay tuned for new and fun things . . . and yes, that means you have to help me come up with fun and new things!
I'm Candace Salima, the daughter of Leighton Freeman Case and Muriel Harris. Mom and Dad divorced when I was a teenager and things changed pretty drastically at that point. Through the course of the years our family lost touch with one another until Uncle Gordon (son of Alys Mae Barkwill and Levi Freeman Case) sent an email to all of us telling us of the death of Alys Mae, my grandmother. I emailed Uncle Gordon back and asked who all the people were in the "To:" box of the email. That's when I learned you were all my relatives.
We all began communicating, catching up with one another, emailing pictures and it was a wonderfully enlightening time. We've had several family reunions since that time and have come to know and love each other so much better. With the economy the way it is, I don't know when we'll all be able to get together again, but it is my hope we can have a reunion this year, 2009. Uncle Mike (son of Alys Mae Barkwill and Richard Shrank) kind of got shafted out of his reunion in Maryland, so I think we should shoot for that. We'll see how it all comes together. This is where you need to come back to in order get the latest info . . . or the family blog.
Uncle Gordon came up with a wonderful slogan for our family and we've stuck with it every since: F.G.A.B. -- Family Good, Alone Bad. Hence our group logo. And yes, Cash, I know it needs work and I'm open to revised versions of said logo.
Here are some pertinent URLs to keep you learning more and more about the Case/Shrank family. If you have a family or business website we don't know about, please email me with the URL and I'll get it added to the group page right away!
So welcome, welcome, welcome! Let's pull together and be the stupendously supportive and fun family I know us to be!
May only the best and brightest of things happen to you and yours in 2009.
So come on over to the F.G.A.B. Google Discussion Group and let's get things ramped up again.
Candace Salima
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